My Transition from Stripping to Personal Training & back!


I’ll be honest, my transition from full time stripper to working at 24 Hour Fitness almost 3 years ago, wasn’t as smooth as I thought it’d be.

Quick back story, I’ve been dancing since 2012. Around 2015 my family found out. I had wanted to tell them, but I didn’t know how. They weren’t happy about it, words were said, but over time I like to think they noticed there wasn’t any change in my presence & stripping isn’t all that bad. I was able to pay my bills, travel & provide for myself in a way most young adults my age could not. I was like any “normal” 21-24 year old, trying to figure it out, in my party phase. Of course once they were in the loop, I was often asked what my plan was for next steps.

I was super happy at my job. I loved it! I also understood I couldn’t do it forever & having a plan is never a bad idea. I decided on Personal Training! Fitness & health are HUGE umbrellas with a lot of different avenues to specialize in.

Along with my struggle with HSV outbreaks, I had to give my body a rest. Work was becoming uncomfortable as you could imagine. Partying took a back seat & I went back to school to get my National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certificate. I went part time (2x a week) for a year while continuing to dance full time.

After I got my cert it was time to find a job & I started at 24 Hour Fitness. I hadn’t had a boss in so long that when I was told I had to work full time I agreed & BOOM I stopped dancing. It was a shock to my social circle, my wallet & my life. I had been dancing at Sassy’s for over five years, going to work every week & seeing my girls. I never got a proper send off. I just kinda fell off & I still feel a little sad about that.

Some people don’t understand the level of support & love that comes w/ this industry. It’s more than a job, it’s a sisterhood. Since starting my Personal Training business almost 2 years ago, I started dancing again just once a week, filling up my stripper cup. It’s the perfect balance for me.

I’m stoked to bring my 2 worlds together w/ Twisted Stripper™️ & create another space to gather, grow & support each other.


Twisted Stripper is a six week series starting October 21st through December 2nd.

* Drop-ins available week 1-3 ONLY * LIMITED 12 SPOTS per six weeks *

Focusing on lengthening the dominant side of your body & strengthening the non dominant side.

“UN-TWISTING” the spine by rotating opposite the dominant direction that is currently being done during pole tricks. Treating muscle imbalances due to tricks done single sided and repetitively; low back pain due to walking in heels, anterior pelvic tilt due to sticking the booty back & chest up, rib flair, shoulder pain and tight hips.

Achieving all of this by enhancing body awareness, relieving low back pain with yoga, mobility and strengthening the core & glutes, educating proper lifting to execute tricks with a prehab approach. Thus moving with more confidence & ease and enhancing career longevity!

Bringing in Dr. Courtney Khalsa Chiropractics to assess and address rib flair, symptoms in relation to its indication for functional or structural immobility in the thoracic spine, muscular imbalance in the core and pelvic girdle. Taking us on a deeper dive into the “Why” behind each movement.


  1. Spine Health & Mobility

  2. Low Back Stretching & Releasing

  3. Core Strengthening & Conditioning

  4. Booty Building & Strengthening

  5. Hip Health & Mobility

  6. Chest Openers

  7. Shoulder Stability & Strength


Level 1: Prehab (75 min class)

(10 min) Kundalini Mindfulness Meditation

Breath work

Body scan for tension / discomfort
(20 min) Spinal “Untwisting”

Spine Mobility

Chest Openers

Shoulder Mobility

(20 min) Core Strength & Conditioning

(20 min) Booty Building

(5 min) Cool down


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