Don't Fight It, Face it!


People ask me, “How do you stay so positive all of the time?” Truth is - I don’t! It’s not possible to be positive all of the time, and that’s ok.

I use to push through and tell myself “Everything happens for a reason!” or “There is power in positivity!” both are true BUT if you ignore those other feelings they will come back ten fold.

All of our feelings are valid and deserve a seat at the table. Digging deeper and asking yourself Why is a healthier way to manage then by putting on a fake smile or forcing everyone around you to suffer.

When I’m having a bad day I’ll invite the feelings in and nurture them, make myself a hot coffee or tea, put on some chill happy music (anything by Joey Pecoraro) stretch, watch a Disney movie or Bob’s Burgers, do some Yoga, eat some chocolate.

Have some alone time or open up to a close friend or a professional. Talk therapy is an amazing tool that not enough of us take advantage of.

Vitamin B12 can be a big help for mood & energy. I take a supplement everyday. You can also get it from Almond, soy or hemp milk, tuna, salmon, beef, eggs, & nutritional yeast.

DRINK WATER - when’s the last time you drank a big glass of water? In a study by Colleen Muñoz done with 120 individuals, the individuals who drank more water had lower scores of tension, depression & confusion. The study concluded - the greater the water consumption the better the mood.

How much water should we drink a day? In general you should drink between 1/2 an oz. and an oz. of water per lb. of body weight. Multiply your weight x .67 to get your dosage.

Get out in nature! Go to the beach, the woods, the mountains.

All in all, everyday isn’t going to be a good one and every bad day isn’t going to last forever. Love yourself through out; have patience with yourself and your feelings. We got this! Don’t fight it, face it!


My Transition from Stripping to Personal Training & back!